Our Refund Policy



Standard Refund Terms :-
Products purchased from Media Riser may be refunded only if cancelled within the following timeframe:

Annual Plans+ Within 30 days of the date of the first transaction.

Monthly Plans*+ Within 7 days of the date of the transaction

*Monthly Plans include all plans with less than a 1-year term (e.g., 6 mos., 9 mos., etc.)

“Date of the transaction,” for the purpose of this Refund Policy, means the date of purchase of any product or service, which includes the date any renewal is processed by Media Riser in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable product or service agreement.

You may cancel a product at any time, but a refund will only be issued if cancellation is requested within the refund timeframe specified for the applicable product & serivices, if available at all.

Note :- Some products have different policies or requirements for a refund associated with them, including some products that are not eligible for a refund under any circumstance. Please see below for refund terms applicable to such products. This Policy is provided in the English language. To the extent any translation is provided to you, it is provided for convenience purposes only, and in the event of any conflict between the English and translated version, the English version will control and prevail.

Products With Special Refund Terms :-
Ads Spend for Paid advertising, the ad spend and search marketing fees are non-refundable for the current month. We may refund future pre-paid months and future-month additional ad spend and search marketing fees if collected.

If Ads Agency serivices has already been performed, then it is non-refundable (if not yet performed, eligible for a refund within 7 days of the date of the transaction).

SEO Services You can cancel SEO Services Only after 6 months. We will not bill you for future months. However, you will not be refunded the cost of the present or past months since the service has already been performed. If you cancel SEO Services and request a refund within 48 hours of initially purchasing or renewing, you can receive a full refund for that month of service. After 48 hours, however, you are responsible for paying for that month, but will not be billed for future months.

Social Media Management You can cancel Social Media Management at any time and we will not bill you for future months. However, you will not be refunded the cost of the present or past months since the service has already been performed. If you cancel Social Media Management and request a refund within 48 hours of initially purchasing or renewing, you can receive a full refund for that month of service. After 48 hours, however, you are responsible for paying for that month, but will not be billed for future months.

Any serice you taken you will be billed for first month if you do not opt-out in 48Hrs. However, you will not be refunded the cost of the present or past months since the service has already been performed.